The final number of CD-ROMs -  7 discs

Amount of footage originally shot -  24 hours

How long it took to shoot that video -  7 weeks

Longest day on the shoot -  22 hours

Most number of takes to get one shot -  17

Number of Video Tapes used (1st unit only) -  75

Number of DAT tapes used (for audio) -  75

How long we filmed with David & Gillian - 10 days

Length of shooting script -  200+ pages

Length of entire script, including all non-dialogue -  842 pages

Number of individual graphics -  over 1200 graphics

Amount of code in the X-Files engine -  226,000 lines

Programmers who died from exhaustion -  0

Production personnel who died of exhaustion -  0

Height of the engine code printed out on paper and stacked -  22 inches

Number of people who worked on this production in any capacity -  200+

How long it took to create this whole thing from the first day the idea was suggested -  42 months

Number of hours worked -  billions and billions

Cost of the final project -  I can't tell you

Cost of the game -  $54.98 MSRP

Dialogue takes (captured only) -  1200+

Video takes (captured only) -  1400+

For your gaming pleasure