1988-1996 Sales and Shows

Painter's Showcase, '96, Juried Exhibition, Beaverton Art Commission, Lake Oswego Art festival, '96, Lake Oswego, OR

Multnomah Art Center, one person show, Multnomah County, OR

Cable Net, One Person Show, Portland OR

Abbott Hall Gallery, Heritage Preservation Exhibit, Holiday Group Show, Portland OR

John Palmer House, Heritage Preservation Exhibit in Portland Historical landmark

Hawthorne Cafe, Angel Gallery, Beaverton Paperback, Beaverton City Hall, Oregon Craft and Floral, Summer Solstice, Division Street Sidewalk Fair, Representative Aucoin's office, Beaverton Neighborhood Day, Beaverton City Hall

Painter's Showcase, '93, Beaverton Art Commission, Juried Exhibition Display at Art Affair

Original works sold since the opening of Gallery: Atelier
"King's Hill" "Blossoms" "Holiday Concert" "Be My Valentine" "Gala at Schnitzer"

Awards received
Special recognition Award, Lake Oswego Art Festival, '96

Comments to Curator

Copyright 1996 HyperBole Studios